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Evening leaflet for “Nachnull (After Zero)” and “Im Wind der Zeit” by Pina Bausch with Folkwangballett, “Estremadura”, “Die Pflanze” and “Sketch” by Sieglinde Wiedemann with Intermedia Art and “Osten” and “Die Klage der Elektra (nach Sophokles)” by Kalliroi Koudouna with Intermedia Art in in Munich, Jan. 8, 1970

Typeevening leaflet
Seasonsseason 1969/70



This document contains information about persons who were involved in the performances.

DanceAnna Mittelholzer
Christiane Andreae
Erika Fabry
Fridel Deharde
Ivan Neumann
Marlis Alt
Michael Diekamp
Ulrike Baehr
Wolf-Werner Wolf

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