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Regiekamera • Directing camera
Peter Schaefer

Kamera, Produktionsleitung, Schnitt Camera, Executive Producer, Editing
Herbert Rach

Ton Sound
Armin Behrens

Schnitt Editing
Delia Dittrich, Manfred Weiden

Berater des Produzenten Consulting Producer
Jolyon Wimhurst

Produktionsdramaturgie der Aufzeichnung Production dramaturgy of the recording
Ronald Kay

Produktionsassistenten Production assistants
Matthias Burkert, Marion Cito

Regie Directed by
Pina Bausch

Herstellungsleitung Produced by
Rudolf Rach

Videotechnik Video Technique
Trend Vilm Video Film GmbH, Köln

Digitales Mastering Digital Mastering
Wolf Seesemann

Café Müller

Ein Stück von Pina Bausch A piece by Pina Bausch

Uraufführung world premiere
20.05.1978, Opernhaus Wuppertal

Aufführungsrechte Performance Rights
Verlag der Autoren
in Vertretung der in representation of
Pina Bausch Foundation

Inszenierung und Choreographie Direction and Choreography
Pina Bausch

Bühne und Kostüme Set and Costume Design
Rolf Borzik

Musik Music
Henry Purcell

Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch

August 1985, Opernhaus Wuppertal

mit with
Malou Airaudo
Pina Bausch
Dominique Mercy
Jan Minarik
Nazareth Panadero
Jean Laurent Sasportes

Technische Leitung Technical Direction
Dieter Simon

Bühneneinrichtung und Beleuchtung Technical Setup and Lighting
Robert Windecker

Bühnenton Stage Sound
Klaus Grimm

Garderobe Wardrobe
Rosemarie Hess, Siegfried Göttert

Maske Make-Up
Roswitha Sewing

"The Plaint: O Let Me Weep"

composed by Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen / Act 3: "Dance For The Fairies"
performed by Boyd Neel Orchestra, Anthony Lewis
Ⓟ 1957 – with kind permission of Decca - a division of Universal Music GmbH

"When I Am Laid In Earth"

composed by Henry Purcell
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626 / Act 3: "Thy Hand, Belinda ... When I Am Laid In Earth"
performed by Janet Baker, St. Anthony Singers, English Chamber Orchestra, Anthony Lewis
Ⓟ 1962 – with kind permission of Decca - a division of Universal Music GmbH

"Next, Winter Comes Slowly"

composed by Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 - Ed. Britten, Holst, Pears / Act 1: "Next, Winter Comes Slowly, Pale"
performed by John Shirley-Quirk, English Chamber Orchestra, Benjamin Britten
Ⓟ 1971 – with kind permission of Decca - a division of Universal Music GmbH

"See, Even Night"

composed by Henry Purcell
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 / Act II: _"See, Even Night"_
performed by Honor Sheppard, Alfred Deller, Deller Consort and Stour Music Chorus and Orchestra
Ⓟ Courtesy of: Harmonia Mundi / [PIAS]

Die Veröffentlichung dieses Films wurde gefördert durch The release of this film was funded by:

Kunststiftung NRW

Kulturstiftung der Länder

Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien

Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal

© Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1985
© L’Arche Editeur, Paris 1987

© Pina Bausch Foundation, Wuppertal 2021

Café Müller - A film of a piece by Pina Bausch

This film shows the piece Café Müller. It is the official film of Pina Bausch. It was recorded in August 1985 at a performance in Wuppertal.

Choreography: Pina Bausch

Set and costume design: Rolf Borzik

Music: Henry Purcell

With: Malou Airaudo, Pina Bausch, Dominique Mercy, Jan Minařík, Nazareth Panadero, Jean Laurent Sasportes

The release of this film was supported by:

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