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2000begin of collaboration with Pina Bausch


Anna Wehsarg

was born 1978 in Essen, where in 1997 she attended Werden school, leaving with an Abitur in dance. From 1997 to 1999 she studied dance at Maurice Béjart’s Ecole Atelier Rudra in Lausanne, Switzerland, performing in his Rite of Spring. From 1999 to 2000 he employed her in his company Groupe 13 and she danced in touring productions in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and France. Her one desire during this period was to join the Béjart Ballet Lausanne. Yet it was Béjart himself, the master choreographer, who dissuaded her and recommended instead she work with Pina Bausch or Maguy Marin, where her creativity could be better deployed.

Departing for new shores

Back in her home town of Essen she heard that Pina Bausch was indeed currently looking for a tall dancer such as herself. She went for an audition and Pina Bausch asked her to come and work with her for a while. After a few weeks she took Anna Wehsarg on as a permanent member of the ensemble, which she remained till 2018. The working methods were unfamiliar to her at first, but she was impressed by the concentration and precision as well as the sheer dedication of her colleagues. At the start, she tried to disguise her height, avoiding high heels for instance, but when Pina Bausch cast her in the new production of Viktor and placed her opposite a much shorter dance partner, it was finally clear that the choreographer wanted each member of her ensemble to be just as they were. She wasn’t looking for a matching military standard but the greatest diversity possible, because real connection and intimacy are only possible when you acknowledge and respect the individuality of every human being. Over the years Anna Wehsarg danced in 21 different pieces and contributed to the devising of Água, Nefés, Rough Cut, Bamboo Blues and … como el musguito en la piedra, ay sí, sí, sí… (Like Moss on the Stone). In 2011 she danced in Wim Wenders’ film Pina. At the same time, she danced in productions on the independent scene and created her own choreographies.

A future beyond the stage

She began giving dance workshops in 2008, in Germany and abroad. From 2011 to 2014 she studied for a professional qualification as a natural health practitioner, taking courses in massage and phytotherapy. In 2013 she began training as a yoga teacher in the tradition of Krishnamacharya and developed the workshop format Dancing with dancers from Tanztheater Wuppertal for the anniversary season PINA 40. In 2015 she acquired the French national diploma in dance education at the Centre National de la Danse in Paris. A year later her daughter was born. When she left the Tanztheater Wuppertal, in 2018, she was well equipped for a freelance career. She worked as a self-employed dancer, dance educator, choreographer and textile artist, taught movement at Wuppertal’s inclusive acting studio, for tanzcHor60+ and the Ensemble Tanzgebiet. What she took from her work with Pina Bausch above all is the awareness and love for the variety and uniqueness of human beings. Alongside many others, this has greatly boosted her self-confidence.

Text by Norbert Servos
Translated by Steph Morris


From the Pina Bausch Archives
Anna Wehsarg


Danced in

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