Bellinghausen, Peterlighting
Benecke, Leadance
Billiet, Bénédicterehearsal direction Boldt, Isabelladance
Bondarenko, Vladislavdance
Braz Batista, Luizadance
Brinkmann, Stephanrehearsal direction Brodhag, Linda Pilardance
Burgener, Laura Susannadance
Burkert, Matthiasdance, rehearsal direction Börtlein, Lauradance
Chakhov, Grigoriproject management
Chen, Yi-Andance
Chen, Ying-Chidance
Chi, Ching-Yudance
Cito, Marionrehearsal direction, assistant Clary, Léonordance
Delle Donne, Maria Giovannadance
Diaz, Darwindance
Eichholz, Arnulfprops
Eisenschneider, Andreassound
Fischer, Karstensound
Fragoso, Lola Villegasdance
Franco, Silviacloakroom
Förster, Lutzdance, rehearsal direction
Gao, Shandance
Großmann, Mechthilddance
Hardt, Kerstinlighting
Hess, Pauldance
Hesse, Dirkmanagement
Hesseling, Sabineassistant to the management, consultant / aide
Hsu, Chang Wendance
Jacon, Fernandolighting direction
Kaufmann, Barbaradance, rehearsal direction Klemm, Marie Hannadance
Kokkinos, Daphnisdance, rehearsal direction Kossack, Sveacostume assistant
Marczewski, Manfredtechnical direction
Maus, Sarahdance
Mercy, Dominiquedance, rehearsal direction Mercy, Thusneldadance, rehearsal direction Mistele, Safetdance
Morrowatian, Roshanakdance
Möllmer, Jandance
Onny, Jonasdance
Pageix, Evadance
Pin, Raymond Liew Jindance
Ramershoven, Jörgtechnical direction
Röder, Dietrichstagehand
rabe, Lenadance
Schmidt, Frankodance
Shanahan, Juliedance, rehearsal direction Stierle, Juliandance
Stoffel, Gerburgset design assistant
Sturm, Robertrehearsal direction Szito, Janprops
Takagi, Kenjidance, rehearsal direction Tien, Tsai-Weidance
Verlei, Jolighting
White, Pauldance
Willems, Felicitasstage manager
Winterscheidt, Martinstagehand
Wu, Chih-Idance
Yu, Chih-Mingdance
Zhukov, Sergeydance